The Mask


When we remember that we are a soul, we take off the "mask" for the first time. When we take off the mask is when we can tell the difference between reality and illusion. The "real" world and "the matrix".

In the illusion, we are our thoughts, feelings, and personalities. We think that's all we are and our soul
remains trapped beneath the illusion. Only when we become aware, and notice that you do think, can you be granted the ability to break free of the illusion. 

Once we break free, we learn once we take off the mask, that we still need to wear the mask. We still need to play the part, only know your soul is in charge of the mind instead of the other way around. But, how do you live in "the matrix", when you know it's a lie?

It's not a lie, not really either. You came here to have experiences, and because of that you decided to forget who you are, so that part of your experience would be to remember. Your life situation, is your experiences, and you chose to forget who you really are, because what fun would it be to have experiences when you know you can create those experiences. 

So, you chose to forget, knowing one day you would remember. It's time for Eminem fans to take off the mask, it's time to wake up, we have work to do if you choose to. 

Once you know your a soul, and wake up from the illusion, you still have to be in the illusion the only difference is, you are awake, and therefore know it's an illusion. Don't get me wrong either, the outside world is not the illusion, the illusion is your mind. Your mind tricks you into thinking your life situation is your life and makes you miserable. It constantly reminds you of pain, and therefore you suffer. 

By waking up to the illusion, we no longer suffer, and because of that we have more clarity. For because we are conscious we find God, and realize the beauty in everything. We find the beauty in everything because we know the truth. 

We have broken through the illusion of the mind, and we see the world for the first time. When you have a deep knowing of who you are, where you come from, of God, everything just clicks and makes sense. 

But how do we continue wearing the mask, playing the part without looking fake? I think the answer to that is because you are genuinely happy. Happiness shines through, and can't be hidden not even beneath the mask. You can be playing the part while your happiness slowly wakes up others.  But what is genuine happiness?

If you truly wake, if you truly become consciousness, I don't have to describe what it is, because you just know when you feel it. You just know that you are happy, and filled with balance. An inner peace, that fills up your entire being. You don't dwell on the past, which brings you down. You don't fear or worry about the future which also brings you down. You focus on the present, which makes you happier because you don't have negative thoughts racing through your mind all the time. 

For instance, before I became spiritual, I used to worry constantly. It was a never ending cycle of thoughts. What happens if, what if, what if, what if, this has happened I can feel it etc. My mind would race these thoughts so much that I'd be worried nonstop. If my son went out, I'd worry constantly about him, and if something might happen to him, or something like that. If I went out I'd worry constantly that I'd be left behind, or I couldn't find the car again, or something like that.

Since I started practicing Zen I have been able to let that worry go, and I feel great. I don't worry at all anymore, and I know things are going to be fine. I have found peace, and that balance helps me remember that this is not the future, it is the now. Present time, and this is where you live your life if you want to be genuinely happy. 

What about those who live in the past?

Same thing, I have a friend who makes herself miserable all the time because she thinks about her life situation as her life. When her life situation fell apart she thought her life did. She held on to pain from the past, and in doing so she created more pain. The more she thought about and obsessed over things things, the worse things became. It was a horrible situation, and now I'm constantly reminding her she's a soul, not the mind not the ego. But she will only get it when she is ready to wake. 

Once we realize our life situation is not our life. Once we can come to that conclusion, we are already choosing a better life. Once we can separate the illusion from reality, we can be genuinely happy, and because of that our light shines brighter, and will wake others to the truth. 

So be the one who wears the mask, not the person who is the mask. Once you decide you are wearing the mask, you are in control of your life. Once you are in control of your life, you can decide what you want to do with it. You can then discover your E Truth, and spread your messages further than ever before! 


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