Finding Your Ǝ Truth
Enlightenment. Universal Love. Spirituality.
Now that I've given you a foundation to work towards, the next step is finding that one thing that you "feel" in your soul that you should be doing. E Truth comes from within, but it's connected to the music you listen to as well. Remember your soul heard the call through Eminem's music, and now it's time for you to decide what it is you need to be doing.
I first had a vision of E Truth, in 2018. I knew since then that this is what I needed to do, but I just couldn't figure out the best way how to do it. That all came to me, when I started practicing Zen, and I started to become spiritual. For me, I knew that I had to guide my readers toward their true paths, I just didn't know how to do that.
It all became clear to me after a week of practicing Zen. Which I continue to practice each and everyday, including now as I write this. I'm focused on writing this blog to you, and I'm staying in the present as I'm doing it. I'm not allowing my mind to wander as it used to. Since, practicing Zen, I've also been much happier, and I don't let negativity bother me.
Anyway, I knew that I had to start E Truth, and I had attempted and failed many times. It was because I was trying to guide you from what I thought I knew what spirituality was, and it didn't work because I wasn't guiding anyone. I feel now, because I'm practicing Zen, feel at peace, and feel balanced that this
time things will be different for E Truth.
E Truth was my vision, I knew I had to guide Eminem fans towards Spirituality, towards enlightenment, so that they in turn could do the same for others. I was struggling to figure out how. Now, I know. Not from the mind, but a deeper knowing from the soul. Things started clicking into place for me the moment I started aligning my soul, and after a general Tarot reading seen it in my cards.
It wasn't exactly E Truth, they saw. I came to that conclusion. What they saw was me writing to benefit others, and help others find their spiritual path. See, the blog itself belongs to me, but E Truth guys, E Truth belongs to all of us. It's how Eminem's music resonates with all of us, it's how we connect to the music, it's what we hold inside us. E Truth is yours, it's mine, it's everyone's and it's no ones.
You need to look inside you, and find yours. When you find what your E Truth, embrace it, and share it with others. Shine your inner light, and things will get better in your life situation, you'll be happier, peaceful, and balanced.
You might be like me, you might already know what it is you should be doing, you just might not know how you are to go about doing it to get you started. Once you start aligning your soul, once you start practicing Zen daily, those answers will come to you. Then you can start doing what you were meant to do.
Find the door, step through the door, and spread your E Truth, you can do it. You really can!
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