Life vs Life Situation

Once we remember the truth of who we are, we start to see the difference between our lives and our life situation. We are a soul, and that is our life. We came here to have experiences, whether good or bad, to remind us who we truly are. 

Most of us are unhappy, because we are not aware and we blame our life situation on that. True happiness is not outward, it is inward. It is not our life situation, not our experiences that make us miserable. It's the suffering, and once you are able to shut that down, and live in the present, your life situation will change. 

When I ask you, what are you going to do with your life, I'm not talking about your life situation at all. I'm talking about the inner light, the core, the soul, that lives within us all. The piece of you that knows we are all connected to source, to God, to the all. 

Once you realize this truth than a magnitude of opportunity opens for you. It becomes more clear what it is you want to do with your life, what you want to do to serve humanity. For me it was this blog, and I spent years trying to figure it out, the right words to use, what I should be saying. It wasn't until I became spiritual, did I have the answers. I'm not sure how many people I can help through this process of awakening, but even if I help one person, than that's enough. 

What you do with your life to serve humanity depends on you. Whatever drives you and motivates you to help others, that's what you should be doing. That's what matters, that's what counts. 

So, ask yourself despite of your life situation, what you want to do with your life. What drives you, inspires you, and motivates you to help others. Whatever it is, it must come from inside you, and your light must shine through. 

To find that light, you have to search inside. You have to remember you are a soul, connected to source, connected to God, connected to the all. Because, only then will you realize your true self. How do you do that? How do you remember who you are, and how do you practice Zen everyday? Meditate, read the Power of Now, watch Samadhi on YouTube, subscribe to and watch New World Allstar's playlist The True Spiritual Journey. 

You have the answer guys, it's inside you. All you have to do is look.  



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