Religion vs Spirituality


Each different Religion has their own perspective, and they believe they are right. Religions fight, trying to prove who is right, and who is wrong. They are all wrong, and they are all right. The raw truth of the matter is you don't have to go to church to be spiritual. 

Spirituality includes everyone, it's not a clique, but a way of life. It is universal. It doesn't matter in which image you see God, it doesn't matter what you call God. If you drop the label, and look within you, then you'll find God. 

It is only when you align your soul, that you'll truly understand what I mean. This is because we are all a small piece of source, and source is God. This does not mean we are God, we are:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he them" Genesis 1:27. 

Hmm, God has no physical form, he can take on a physical form but if he did that it would cause more fights on earth. So, what could this mean then? Could this mean that our souls were "broken" off from the whole to have experiences on earth?

The fact of the matter is and for some this will be a hard pill to swallow, religion is based on fear. We are taught to fear God, because he is a vengeful God, we are also taught to fear the "Devil" and that God and the "Devil" are at war with each other. 

Spirituality is based on love, and when you go within you realize that God or the source is not vengeful at all. He has also not abandoned us, he is letting us create our own reality, he gave us free will and what we choose to do with our experiences is our choice. But God is also all around us, he is in everything that is not man made. He is within us, other people, the animals, the plant life, the earth, he is the stars and the moon, the sun, and the universe. He is everything, and this is the truth we learn with spirituality. 

There is no devil, the devil is our choices or the choices we don't make. Until we remember who we are and why we came here, these judgements in "the matrix" are not God nor the devil. It is us. 

We manifest things in our lives, and as a collective whole we manifest the problems of the world. So are you going to choose the same life situation you have? Or are you going to do something about it? Are you going to continue to add to the collective consciousness? Or are you going to change the way you are thinking? 

If you want more of the same, religion is your way of life, but if you want to change you need true spirituality in your life. When we came to earth we chose to forget who we were, so we could experience remembering who we are. So, is it time for you to remember who you are or do you want to remain in "the matrix"? 

This is a choice, it's the red and blue pill. Only you can decide if you are ready to remember, and find God. 

God is always there if you let him in, and God is always listening to him. I have had questions and prayers answered over the years until recently I over looked. 

The first time was in 2007, when a friend was in trouble. I prayed to God, and simply just said: "Help me, help them." At that very moment, someone signed into my computer that could help. That should have opened my eyes but it didn't. 

When my father passed away, he drew three eagles on the wall. I didn't think much of it. A family friend, hugged me at my fathers funeral and claimed: "This is the last time I'll see you." that same friend claimed when he died he'd give us a sign. He said his horse would die the next day. When he passed away, the following day his horse died. "That's two." When my best friend died(that's three) at the end of the same year, I looked at the sky and saw three eagles flying above my head. 

Now, I know who the three eagles were. They were my dad, the family friend, and my best friend reincarnated as eagles, my fathers favorite bird. My father some how knew that he would not only be reincarnated but he would have company. Still, I ignored these signs and kept living as I always had. 

A few years later, I heard the voice of God in my head, and I still didn't wake up. I was upset, and laying down thinking negative thoughts, when a booming voice not my own said "Envy". 

It wasn't until about two weeks ago, that I started getting into Spirituality and finally knowing what was always inside me did I start seeing the truth. 

If you want to become spiritual, you have to forget everything you were ever "taught" about religion. Because religion, has flaws. It is wrong, and they constantly bicker with others trying to prove who is right. You want to find God, don't seek God in a church, seek God in the only true temple. Inside you! 

You want more insight into this: Listen to Conversations with God, on YouTube or read the book. 


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