The Music


Because it's Eminem's 50th Birthday, we have collected some of Eminem's most inspirational and powerful messages. These messages might not be the same for you, or others might resonate with you that isn't in the list. That's okay, there are many, and these are just a small slice of the pie. 

The thing about Eminem's music that outsiders are yet to understand, is that his music is designed to get you to think. At least that's how the music resonates with me. These messages are very powerful and often times they are controversial. 

However, humanity could benefit from listening to Eminem's music if they gave it a chance. Because at the end of the day, all it does is wake you up from the matrix. It's up to you to take the necessary steps needed to carry on your spiritual journey. 

How do you do that? Ancient Zen Spiritualism. You want a coach? Watch New World Allstar's playlist: The True Spiritual Journey on YouTube. 

Okay, so getting down to business, what are some of Eminem's most powerful and inspirational songs? 

1. Beautiful

The song helps people with depression, and reminds us all that we aren't the only ones going through pain. (Something Eminem reminds us of a lot). Personally for me this song had helped me through my Dark Night of the Soul. Whatever the reason, this song speaks to us in ways that we can't really explain. But, we all sense the meaning behind the song, as it resonates with each of us differently, it's core is the same. 

2. My Darling

Why this song? Well have you listened to it? Like have you really listened? The song has a powerful message behind it. Some believe this song is about his addiction. But, many know within them it's deeper than that. The messages behind this song are so deep that I can't even explain it. However, it's clear he was breaking away from something isn't it? Personally, I believe this song is about him not only wanting to "quit" but to be separate from the ego. 

3. Not Afraid

While the song resonates different for everyone. The song has a clear and powerful message behind it. Anyone who is going through anything can relate to this song. My father (who hated Eminem) was battling with cancer, and received news that he didn't have much time left. I caught him watching the video for this song, and he said to me. "Now I get it, this guy is going to change the world." Personally, I think that Proof's death triggered Dark Night of the Soul, and that's why Eminem spiraled downward. I believe that this song is about a Spiritual Awakening of his own, and that he's saying he's here to guide you through your own. 

4. Lose Yourself

The list wouldn't be complete without Lose Yourself. A song about following your dreams and never giving up. Though the song resonates differently for everyone, it carries a powerful message to the listener. One that makes you want to not only follow your own dreams, but to achieve them. 

5. The Monster

While again this song resonates differently for everyone. It still carries the same core message. Personally, I believe like My Darling, Eminem is referring to the mind or the ego. It's as if he is saying, he's aware and embraces, but ignores it. In other words, he doesn't let it control him, and therefore he uses it as the tool it was meant to be. 

6. Guts Over Fear

This song will also resonate differently with each person. It depends on what the person is dealing with at the time that they listen to the song. Still, it's one of those songs with a powerful message if we take time to slow down long enough to listen to the song. 

7. Sing For The Moment

Sing for the moment holds many powerful messages. It again resonates differently for each person, and it's supposed to. No matter why we look at these artists, no matter why we "connect" something draws us to them. Something resonates in the messages they leave us. This song basically is a message about the message. It perfectly explains the relationship between the fan and the artist. 

8. Stan

Stan is one of those songs that the outside world misunderstands, and think it's about "obsession". In a way they are right, but this is a message from Eminem telling his fans, not to think like Stan. It's a song telling us that he cares, and that we need not let our egos tell us any different. 

9. Untouchable

The way the world is today, this song is a painful reminder of the disconnect between races. It is a clear message that the system is broken, and needs to be fixed. It too resonates differently for everyone, but I personally think, it's about misunderstandings between two races, and how they are only different on the outside. 

10. Darkness

Again living in the times we do nothing resonates deeper than Darkness. It might again resonate differently for each person, but the core message is the same. There is not much we can say about
the song, it resonates its message beautifully on its own. 

Now, these aren't the only songs with powerful messages, these are just a few. If we went through all the songs, we would have been here all day! However Eminem's music resonates for you, think of it as a doorway. Something that draws you into your awakening. Now that you know, embrace it. Become spiritual, remember who you are, and shine your light on others! Seek Enlightenment and Universal Love. 

In other words, find the true meaning of you and the universe. Experience true happiness, and shine your inner light unto others, so that you can enlighten them to do the same! 


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