The Truth About Twin Flames

If you search Twin Flame on the internet, you might become really confused. This is because the general spiritual community, as well as the general public are confused about what a Twin Flame is, why there is a connection, and what it all means. They romanticize Twin Flames, and guys Twin Flames are far from a romantic connection. It's actually the opposite, and many people overlook the truth, chasing the other person thinking that they "need" to be together. 

The truth is your Twin Flame is YOU. You are the same soul incarnated on earth at the exact same time, two minds, two bodies, but ONE soul. For some reason, your soul chose to have two very different life experiences, and that means you have different personalities, different thought patterns, different interests, and different life experiences, but at the core, at the I am level, you are the same soul. 

When you meet your Twin, it triggers your Spiritual Awakening. They "leave" or pull away in some form because you are running, or chasing yourself. You become "obsessed" with the other person because the mind is "Duality". You see two, there must be two. Nope, there is only one. The only way to "get" your twin flame is to learn to love yourself. You do that by remembering that you are not the mind, but a soul, and you take the steps to align your soul and just be. 

Stop thinking of your twin as "him" or "they", stop thinking about them all together because this journey is not about them, and they are not the prize at the end of the journey either. The only prize at the end of your journey is your happiness. That's it, and by the time you reach that you aren't going to care, or have given them a thought like that in a long time. 

That's when they return, is when you stop caring about all of what makes you different, and realizing that you are one in the same. When you stop looking for "reunion" when you realize your already one. You are already whole, you are already complete. 

When you stop thinking of your Twin Flame as other, or someone else. Someone that you need to chase, and someone that you are "meant to be with".  Because you are not meant to be with your Twin Flame, they are meant to trigger your spiritual awakening, and they have served their purpose. You can cause them to return to you, you can even choose to be with them, if that's what you decide. 

But, there is nothing romantic about your Twin Flame, and until you stop and realize that it has nothing to do with this other person, they are going to continue to pull away from you, and you will continue to suffer. Your obsessive thoughts will continue, and you will never move forward in your spiritual awakening until the moment you realize they are you. 

Twin Flames, can be a beautiful thing, and trust me when I say, when you meet yours, you know. How do you know? Well, you know because you get what is called the Dark Night of the Soul. It's a terrible time of obsessive thinking, bizarre behaviors, irrational emotions. You can't eat, can't sleep all you can do is think about this person and why they left you and nothing else. It's a horrible experience but it's needed to awaken you, so that you can take your spiritual journey on the path to enlightenment. 

You and your Twin Flame are one in the same, let go of duality. Let go of thinking of them as other. They are you and you are them. There is no reason to chase and every reason to look inside you.  Forget what ever you have read about Twin Flames, they aren't carrying out a mission either. The only mission you have if you'd like to call it that is being. 

These people who romanticize the Twin Flame experience will also tell you that in order for "union" you got to heal your inner child, heal your chakras, do energy cleansing. All this crap BEFORE you can ever be. 

This is completely wrong, that's looking to the future. Waiting for something that won't happen, because in order to achieve something tomorrow, you got to work for it today. 

That brings me to The Law of Attraction, guys. You won't "get" your Twin Flame to be in your life using The Law of Attraction because it won't work. You can use it to get a Soulmate, but that's a different thing. You can't use this tool for your Twin Flame, because you are trying to attract you to you, and that defies the law. So, if you truly want your Twin Flame in your life, you need to just be, and everything will flow to you naturally, including your Twin. However, by the time that happens, you are going to be so happy, that you don't even care. 

So stop thinking of your Twin Flame as someone else, start seeing the truth. They are you, your soul incarnated twice in this life time, and just do you, and good things will come to you. The universe will start working for you, your tarot cards will resonate better for you. You will be happy, and at peace. You'll find balance and fulfillment, and as an added bonus, your Twin Flame will return, even if they have you blocked. 


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