What is Ǝ Truth?
It's a very simple concept. It applies to Enlightenment. Universal Love. Spirituality. You live this in your lives every single day, and you'll find your truth. What you are supposed to be doing with your life to inspire others.
How do you know what you're supposed to do? You just know, and when you do you are ready to begin. One persons truth can be different than another. It all depends on how Eminem's music resonates with you, and what you want to bring to the occasion.
Basically, it is the light inside each of us, lit by the torch that awakened us. That of course, would be Eminem. The one physically thing that connects each and every one of us. Yet, we are all connected in the outer realms, aren't we? We are all one, connected to source, connected to God.
Once you found your truth, than it becomes second nature to express it. By being who you truly are, and practicing Zen in your everyday life, you will reach more and more people with your light. Inspiring them all to become enlightened themselves, and spread these simple three truths. Enlightenment. Universal Love. Spirituality.
These aren't even three separate things, you reach enlightenment, and experience universal love when you become spiritual. You become truly happy, and unstoppable, because you no longer care if you are different from others, you want to stand out, you want your light to shine, and no one or nothing can take that from you. You no longer suffer, and therefore can't be brought down.
So, the question isn't what is E Truth, the question is what should you be doing, and that happens when you become aware, when you live in the now, when things start making sense to you. Find something you are passionate about, find something that makes you happy doing. You'll inspire others to do something productive.
Whatever it is that you choose to do be consistent, be present, and keep with it.
I can't tell you what E Truth means for you, what I can say is that whatever it is that you are meant to do, do it from the light within. How do you do that? Align with your soul. I can't couch you into how to do that, I'm not a professional, but I can tell you, and point you in the direction of people who can.
Read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, watch New World Allstar's free coaching videos on YouTube or take his course. Watch Samadhi, watch Eckhart Tolle videos on YouTube, and practice meditations, and being present. Once you get to that point, that you find yourself again, everything clicks and makes sense. You'll know what it is you are meant to do, and you'll just do it.
Whatever you choose to do, you will inspire others and get them to start thinking about what they want to do with their lives. Whatever you choose to do make sure it has meaning. It could be as simple as quoting your favorite songs, and informing people of what they mean to you.
E Truth is about you, what's inside you, and where you want to go with your life. How you want to inspire others, and getting you motivated to do that. Remember, the secret to E Truth isn't complicated. It's just Enlightenment. Universal Love. Spirituality. As long as you embrace Spirituality, as long as you practice Zen, and do the right things to align your soul, than you will inspire others to do the same.
E Truth is about finding your purpose and fulfilling that purpose. It might not even have anything to do with Eminem or his music. Choose what is right for you and just embrace it, give it your all, and you really will make ripples on humanity.
All it takes is one person to repeat your actions, and suddenly things go viral. It's a lot like that. I've showed you the way to true happiness, the ball is in your court now. Whether you decide to take the shot, is entirely up to you. The minute you take that shot though, others will see and want to take the shot themselves.
It's not one or the other, once you align your soul, than things will come naturally for you. I can't say it enough, you want to inspire others? You want to change the world? You do that by being, just being nothing else, and things will fall into place for you.
That doesn't mean everything will be peaches and cream all the time either. You will experience pain, and you might even backslide a little. That's okay, that's a new experience you learn from and move on. All it takes though is one person, and you could inspire millions.
Find your E Truth, and you will change the world!
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