
Showing posts from October, 2022

Zen Spiritualism

If Eminem's music resonates differently for you, you were brought to this page in search for answers. Well, the only answer we have for you is to search within. To do that you much practice Zen Spiritualism. We aren't talking main stream spiritualism junk. We are talking ancient Zen Spirituality. It doesn't mean you have to be a monk, either.  Zen is a common word in today's world, and a good portion of us use it in our daily lives. Zen is a Japanese term taken from the Chinese word, "Ch'an". Which translated simply means concentration or meditation.  In other words, to "be" Zen means to be at peace with your thoughts while being self-aware of your presence in the universe.  What is Zen Meditation? Known as Zazen, this is an ancient Buddhist tradition dating all the way back to 7th century China. It is a Buddhist discipline providing insight on how the mind works. The goal is to uncover clarity and workability of the mind.  People who practice Ze...

Just Live

  Knowing now that you actually a soul experiencing life, you should just live. Why worry about the past? Sure, you have had difficult events and obstacles in your life which had caused you pain. Maybe something in your current situation triggers that pain. Yet, why worry and dwell about your past experiences? What good does it do? Nothing. In fact by dwelling on the past, you are making the choice to relive your pain over and over again. Nothing will change if you are continuously looking back. How can you expect to move forward when you can't let go of that pain.  Let it go! Live in the now, just be present. Be aware of the things going on around you, and know that these amazing experiences are happening. By just being you, and living in the now, you'll feel a sense of inner peace. When you feel that, hold onto it, embrace it, and never forget to live. It is very important that you continue to live your best life, continue to have experiences and though there will be bad tim...

The Mask

  When we remember that we are a soul, we take off the "mask" for the first time. When we take off the mask is when we can tell the difference between reality and illusion. The "real" world and "the matrix". In the illusion, we are our thoughts, feelings, and personalities. We think that's all we are and our soul remains trapped beneath the illusion. Only when we become aware, and notice that you do think, can you be granted the ability to break free of the illusion.  Once we break free, we learn once we take off the mask, that we still need to wear the mask. We still need to play the part, only know your soul is in charge of the mind instead of the other way around. But, how do you live in "the matrix", when you know it's a lie? It's not a lie, not really either. You came here to have experiences, and because of that you decided to forget who you are, so that part of your experience would be to remember. Your life situation, is your ...

Mission vs Choice

Once you've realized you are a soul, an awareness, or consciousness. You become aware of your thoughts, you know your e truth, but now you must find a way to express it. Do you have a choice? Of course, we always have a choice. This is not your life's mission, there is no such thing. This is a choice your soul makes in hopes to wake others to the truth.  Yet, many people believe in missions, they believe we've came here to do something, and they spend their entire lives trying to figure out the mission and how to go about doing it. I'm here to remind you, that there is no mission. We all came here with a choice to forget who we are in order to have experiences we could only dream of before. That's it, that is our mission to live through experience and remembering who we are.  After you remember who you are you can choose to do nothing and live your life or you can choose to help others find out who they are. Take myself for example, it is not my mission to run this ...

Searching Within

  Now that you remember you are a soul, you might be wondering how to search within to find the answers you so desperately seek. Yet, you will not find answers that will satisfy the mind. What you will find is a knowing inside you that this is so, that this is your truth.  Yet, what are the steps to achieve this?  There are no steps really, find a meditation to align your soul, find the spaces between thought and be present. Be aware. These are the only "steps" with searching within. Let go of fear, because fear hinders you. You must keep at it everyday. Make a habit to meditate not only twice a day, but times in-between like when you are doing the dishes. Spend a lot of time with your soul.  Only then can we search our core to find truth, and everyone's truth is different, just like everyone's path is different. You know you were meant for great things, and by searching within, you can find out what they are.  For instance, I'm meant to guide you toward your sp...

Religion vs Spirituality

  Each different Religion has their own perspective, and they believe they are right. Religions fight, trying to prove who is right, and who is wrong. They are all wrong, and they are all right. The raw truth of the matter is you don't have to go to church to be spiritual.  Spirituality includes everyone, it's not a clique, but a way of life. It is universal. It doesn't matter in which image you see God, it doesn't matter what you call God. If you drop the label, and look within you, then you'll find God.  It is only when you align your soul, that you'll truly understand what I mean. This is because we are all a small piece of source, and source is God. This does not mean we are God, we are: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female he them" Genesis 1:27.  Hmm, God has no physical form, he can take on a physical form but if he did that it would cause more fights on earth. So, what could this mean then? Co...

Finding Your Ǝ Truth

  Enlightenment. Universal Love. Spirituality.  Now that I've given you a foundation to work towards, the next step is finding that one thing that you "feel" in your soul that you should be doing. E Truth comes from within, but it's connected to the music you listen to as well. Remember your soul heard the call through Eminem's music, and now it's time for you to decide what it is you need to be doing.  I first had a vision of E Truth, in 2018. I knew since then that this is what I needed to do, but I just couldn't figure out the best way how to do it. That all came to me, when I started practicing Zen, and I started to become spiritual. For me, I knew that I had to guide my readers toward their true paths, I just didn't know how to do that.  It all became clear to me after a week of practicing Zen. Which I continue to practice each and everyday, including now as I write this. I'm focused on writing this blog to you, and I'm staying in the pres...

What is Ǝ Truth?

  It's a very simple concept. It applies to Enlightenment. Universal Love. Spirituality. You live this in your lives every single day, and you'll find your truth. What you are supposed to be doing with your life to inspire others.  How do you know what you're supposed to do? You just know, and when you do you are ready to begin. One persons truth can be different than another. It all depends on how Eminem's music resonates with you, and what you want to bring to the occasion.  Basically, it is the light inside each of us, lit by the torch that awakened us. That of course, would be Eminem. The one physically thing that connects each and every one of us. Yet, we are all connected in the outer realms, aren't we? We are all one, connected to source, connected to God.  Once you found your truth, than it becomes second nature to express it. By being who you truly are, and practicing Zen in your everyday life, you will reach more and more people with your light. Inspiring ...

Life vs Life Situation

Once we remember the truth of who we are, we start to see the difference between our lives and our life situation. We are a soul, and that is our life. We came here to have experiences, whether good or bad, to remind us who we truly are.  Most of us are unhappy, because we are not aware and we blame our life situation on that. True happiness is not outward, it is inward. It is not our life situation, not our experiences that make us miserable. It's the suffering, and once you are able to shut that down, and live in the present, your life situation will change.  When I ask you, what are you going to do with your life, I'm not talking about your life situation at all. I'm talking about the inner light, the core, the soul, that lives within us all. The piece of you that knows we are all connected to source, to God, to the all.  Once you realize this truth than a magnitude of opportunity opens for you. It becomes more clear what it is you want to do with your life, what you w...

The Truth About Twin Flames

If you search Twin Flame on the internet, you might become really confused. This is because the general spiritual community, as well as the general public are confused about what a Twin Flame is, why there is a connection, and what it all means. They romanticize Twin Flames, and guys Twin Flames are far from a romantic connection. It's actually the opposite, and many people overlook the truth, chasing the other person thinking that they "need" to be together.  The truth is your Twin Flame is YOU. You are the same soul incarnated on earth at the exact same time, two minds, two bodies, but ONE soul. For some reason, your soul chose to have two very different life experiences, and that means you have different personalities, different thought patterns, different interests, and different life experiences, but at the core, at the I am level, you are the same soul.  When you meet your Twin, it triggers your Spiritual Awakening. They "leave" or pull away in some form b...

The Music

  Because it's Eminem's 50th Birthday, we have collected some of Eminem's most inspirational and powerful messages. These messages might not be the same for you, or others might resonate with you that isn't in the list. That's okay, there are many, and these are just a small slice of the pie.  The thing about Eminem's music that outsiders are yet to understand, is that his music is designed to get you to think. At least that's how the music resonates with me. These messages are very powerful and often times they are controversial.  However, humanity could benefit from listening to Eminem's music if they gave it a chance. Because at the end of the day, all it does is wake you up from the matrix. It's up to you to take the necessary steps needed to carry on your spiritual journey.  How do you do that? Ancient Zen Spiritualism. You want a coach? Watch New World Allstar's playlist: The True Spiritual Journey on YouTube.  Okay, so getting down to busi...

Awakening From The Matrix

 You're here because Eminem's music has resonated with you, spiritual messages that you believe humanity could benefit from, but it seems you are the only one who hears the message clearly. What can you do to change that? Well, the secret to that lies in what we've been telling you thus far. You need to align your soul, and figure out what you should be doing with your life, and just do it. For me, it is this blog, to guide you towards your path to figure out yours. For @fake_awareness (yes that's a shout out) it's to spread awareness of fake accounts pretending to be something they aren't to trick you out of your money, or make you feel like your in a relationship or both.  Whatever, your calling is, embrace it. When you've figured out what you want to do then do it. Don't hold back and don't be afraid of it, because you should be doing it.  The last few posts, were about aligning your soul, and breaking free of your mind. If you have done that or i...

Why Am I Seeing Mirrored Numbers?

  You may have noticed since the moment you started hearing the messages in Eminem's music, before that, or after you started reading my blog that you are seeing mirrored numbers everywhere. This is completely normal, and are connected to your Spiritual Ascension.  These are messages from the universe, that you are on track. You can look up the meaning of each "Angel Number" if you like, but if you are seeing many numbers at once all it really means is that you are on the right path.  For instance, I just saw the number 888 before writing this post. It was the only number I seen this morning so I looked up the meaning, and sure enough it told me what I already know within me. The message itself doesn't even matter all that much, it's just telling you that you are on the right track. That your spiritual ascension is progressing and moving forward quickly, and reminding you to keep doing what you are doing.  I had just finished writing the previous post from this on...

Practice Being Present

  In order to be present, you have to make changes to your daily routine. That means you have to meditate twice a day, but also in any free moment throughout the day. There are plenty of free mediations on YouTube.  Try to use Meditations to align your soul. These are good starters to find the I am within you. It's also a good idea to forget the past and the future. If bad memories arise in you, reflect but do not dwell. Dwelling on the past causes you suffering. This makes you miserable, and it attracts more negativity.  By practicing true Zen Spiritualism in your daily life, you will find true happiness because you will be able to separate your soul from your ego. Your true self will shine through.  Enjoy the present moment, and live in it. Know that there is nothing that happened in your past that can hurt you now. Know that you can't wait for the future to come to you, you have to work on it now. Often times our minds race about one or the other or both.  Yo...

The Mind

The mind is a great tool, when it is used properly. Most often than not though, we allow our minds to control us. We live our lives through the mind believing what it thinks, is who we are. Until the day we become conscious and realize that our life situation, or The Matrix if you'd like to call it that, is not our life. Because we are not the mind, we are a soul.  The only way to truly break free of the mind, is to live in the present moment, and ignore the negative thoughts and feelings to consume us. Let the ego die, and eventually your life is going to change because you no longer just live in the Matrix, but the real world as well.  Once you are living in between these two worlds, than you are experiencing true happiness, and good things, amazing experiences are just drawn to you. Your energy becomes a magnet, and you attract good things to you.  But, how do I quiet my mind? Once you realize you are the soul, the I am, you become consciously aware. Once you are aware...

Letting Go

  Now that you watched Samadhi, and have read or are currently reading The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle, you are left with a sense of self, but how do we find the self?  Well you don't have to "find" anything. You have to remember you are the self. You are your soul, and you need to align your soul, in order to find the present.  How do we do that? Well, we change our lifestyle, and learn a simple truth. You are your soul. Simply noticing that you are aware of your thoughts, and your feelings you can find the space between the thoughts, and settle your soul in the present.  How do we become aware? Well you already are aware if you came back to this blog. You recognize that you are thinking, and feeling things. You are also ready to be in control.  How do you stay aware? That's a better question. You remain aware, when you stay in the present.  Think about it, the past is gone, and yet often times we dwell over what happened. It triggers emotions, and that...